The disk space issue is now resolved. Thanks to drew for letting me know!

Total Emojis as a Service! (TEaaS)

Overlay ANY image on top of another one! [BETA]


This is definitely in BETA, so things might not work as you expect.
This can create very large images, especially if one of the images has a lot of frames.
The second image should have a transparent background, otherwise this won't work.
Works best when both images are the same shape.
Please report any issues to me directly - either through Slack or through the electronic mail address why AT teaas DOT fyi.

Max file size: 500kb. gif, png, or jpg only.


Max file size: 500kb. gif, png, or jpg only.

Resizing options

Use these options to attempt to make the filesize of the image smaller.

* The image will be resized, but the aspect ratio will be retained, so you may up with an image with dimensions 32x12 or 20x64 for example.